Slip On Sleeve Chokes
Palomar 1:1 feed line choke kits are current baluns (split output) or ununs (coax output). They consist of several models with 5-15 large ferrite beads that slip over the coax (but will not slip over a connector). Also included are three lengths of shrink tubing to enclose the balun and hold the beads in place on the cable. They work from 1.8-300 MHz (see impedance table for each product for measured choking impedance levels for 5-15 beads) and allow use of full power rating of the coaxial cable at an SWR of 1:1. No tools are required for installation, just a source of heat to shrink the tubing using a heat gun, lighter, matches.

Palomar Engineers TUBE feed line chokes are designed to have 2-5 times more choking impedance over a broader frequency range than competitor units in similar packaging. Each choke has the choking impedance and effective frequency range on the product label so you can choose the product best suited for your application.