Tube Feed Line Chokes

The Home Theater RFI Kits are specifically designed to cure most home theater systems triggered by Radio Frequency Interference problems from AM, FM, CB and Ham radio stations. The kits contain ferrite toroids (“Ring” shaped) for the AC power cord protection and “Snap on” ferrite beads for HDMI, audio, video and speaker cables. The ferrites are selected to eliminate RFI from 1 to 1000 MHz. The ferrites are easy to install, don’t require modification of the protected equipment and work in almost all cases to suppress annoying interference issues.

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TUBE feed line chokes/Line Isolators are used to suppress common mode current carried on the outside of the  coax braid which is often responsible for receiver noise and RFI in the receiver/transmitter. These chokes are very useful for suppressing RFI common mode current at the antenna feed point, at 1/4 wavelength intervals along the coax feed line and also at the entrance to the radio station.  They are available with various input and output connectors so as to conveniently connect to standard output connectors already installed on your feed line.

Palomar Engineers TUBE feed line chokes are designed to have 2-5 times more choking impedance over a broader frequency range than competitor units in similar packaging.  Each choke has the choking impedance and effective frequency range on the product label so you can choose the product best suited for your application.