Typical user comment:
The filter was quite effective. Was surprised that it actually reduced the noise level more than the signal so S+N/N improved by 1.9 S units. Bill
RFI/EMI Solutions from KHz to GHz
RG-8X male to male antenna cable for ham radio, CB and Short wave listening (SWL). This cable is 50 ohm and 100 feet long double shielded with foil and braid with PL-259 connectors on each end. All the connections inside are soldered and the cable is made of copper conductors with coax having PVC jacket. RG-8X is generally good up to 1500 watts PEP at HF frequencies below 30 MHz.
Typical user comment:
The filter was quite effective. Was surprised that it actually reduced the noise level more than the signal so S+N/N improved by 1.9 S units. Bill