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Bullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100-1500 Watt Options, 25 Feet, 20-6 meters+WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DX, SOTA, POTABullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100-1500 Watt Options, 25 Feet, 20-6 meters+WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DX, SOTA, POTASKU BULLET-2006-100List price $179.95 Save 33%$119.95On Sale
Bullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100-5000 Watt Options, 55 Feet, 40-6 meters Including WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DX, POTA, SOTABullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100-5000 Watt Options, 55 Feet, 40-6 meters Including WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DX, POTA, SOTASKU BULLET-4006-100List price $189.95 Save 26%$139.95On Sale
Bullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100/500/1500/5000 Watt Options, 95 Feet, 80-6 Meters + WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DXBullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100/500/1500/5000 Watt Options, 95 Feet, 80-6 Meters + WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DXSKU BULLET-8006-100List price $239.95 Save 25%$179.95On Sale
FSB31-1/2, ID=1/2", RFI Range 1-300 MHz - Bulk 10 PackFSB31-1/2, ID=1/2", RFI Range 1-300 MHz - Bulk 10 PackSKU FSB31-1/2-10List price $55.00 Save 9%$49.95On Sale
FT240-3I, ID=1.4", AC/DC/Coax Noise Filter, RFI Range 1-300 MHz, Bulk Pack of 10FT240-3I, ID=1.4", AC/DC/Coax Noise Filter, RFI Range 1-300 MHz, Bulk Pack of 10SKU F240-31-10List price $100.00 Save 10%$89.95On Sale
Ferrite Mini Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 10 filters (3/8, 1/2, 3/4)Ferrite Mini Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 10 filters (3/8, 1/2, 3/4)SKU FMSCP-31-10List price $55.95 Save 11%$49.95On Sale
Ferrite Ring and Snap On Combo Pack - 10 Rings (1.4" ID) + 10 Snap On Beads (1/2" ID) - Mix 31 (RFI Range 1-300 MHz) FREE USA SHIPPINGFerrite Ring and Snap On Combo Pack - 10 Rings (1.4" ID) + 10 Snap On Beads (1/2" ID) - Mix 31 (RFI Range 1-300 MHz) FREE USA SHIPPINGSKU FRSCP-31-20List price $155.00 Save 10%$139.95On Sale
Ferrite Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 - 22 filtersFerrite Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 - 22 filtersSKU FSCP-31-22List price $108.00 Save 12%$95.00
MINI-BALUN 1:1 Coax Interface to Ladder Line, Dipole elements, 500 Watts PEP, up to -38Db Common Mode Rejection, 1-61 MHz, Flagpole, Dipole, Beam and G5RV/ZS6BKW AntennasMINI-BALUN 1:1 Coax Interface to Ladder Line, Dipole elements, 500 Watts PEP, up to -38Db Common Mode Rejection, 1-61 MHz, Flagpole, Dipole, Beam and G5RV/ZS6BKW AntennasSKU MB-1-500SS$69.95On Sale
Multi-Ring/Multi-Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 17 filtersMulti-Ring/Multi-Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 17 filtersSKU MRSCP-31-17List price $112.00 Save 15%$95.00On Sale
Off Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 20-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USAOff Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 20-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USASKU PAL-OCF2006-500List price $199.95 Save 30%$139.95On Sale
Off Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 40-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated, POTA, SOTA - FREE shipping in USAOff Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 40-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated, POTA, SOTA - FREE shipping in USASKU PAL-OCF4010-500List price $279.95 Save 46%$149.95On Sale
Off Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 80-6 Meters (9 bands-including 15 meters), 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USAOff Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 80-6 Meters (9 bands-including 15 meters), 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USASKU PAL-OCF8010-500List price $359.95 Save 53%$169.95
RFI Common Mode Noise Filter Kits for Generic Antenna Switches - Isolate Non-Selected Coax Braid Noise!RFI Common Mode Noise Filter Kits for Generic Antenna Switches - Isolate Non-Selected Coax Braid Noise!Suppress Unwanted Noise & RFISKU RFI-AS-GEN-2$129.95Introductory Price
SIGNALPEN(TM) PENCIL SIZE RF DETECTOR LIGHT, 60 Hz to 1.2 GHz, Miliwatts to Kilowatts, Direct Contact or Inductive Detector, No Battery! Fits in Shirt Pocket!SIGNALPEN(TM) PENCIL SIZE RF DETECTOR LIGHT, 60 Hz to 1.2 GHz, Miliwatts to Kilowatts, Direct Contact or Inductive Detector, No Battery! Fits in Shirt Pocket!SKU SIGNALPEN$49.95On Sale
ZS6BKW Center Fed Antenna, 80-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USAZS6BKW Center Fed Antenna, 80-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USASKU PAL-ZS68006-500List price $189.95 Save 21%$149.95
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TECH NOTE: We also stock RFI kits to protect effected devices such as garage door openers, computers (laptops, desktops), dsl/cable routers, ethernet hubs and many more devices. If you run a high powered RF amplifier in your ham station also consider a linear amp RFI kit which will cut down RFI transmitted by your station. Remember there is always a “transmitter” and a “receiver” of RFI and the quest is to find and choke the “path” the RFI has selected – you need to add ferrites to both the transmitting side and the receiving side to eliminate RFI problems. The RFI-HTS kit only helps suppress RFI on the receiving side.
Typical RFI Problem/Solution:
Hello, I am Larry, a ham operator and I am having interference issues with my Direct TV system. My station is a FT450D through an Ameritron ALS-600. From the amp through a coax switch to choose between an OCF dipole or an Hustler 5BTV vertical. Any power over 100 watts and my DTV goes off the air and must completly reboot/format. Coax is RG-8. The DTV dish is pointed away from the dipole and separated by about 25'. DTV was totally useless! They suggested I not talk on the radio while she is watching TV! Please help me with a reasonable, cost effective soultion. (The wife gets really pissed when I shutdown the tv!) Thank you, Larry
Hi Larry,
Your RFI problem is quite common and is usually a sign of either a radiating coax feed line or reception of your radiated signal (source) by the Direct TV (the victim) through either the AC power lines acting as “antennas” for your ham signal or the coax braid of the satellite antenna acting as an antenna for your signal.
The solutions are straight forward:
1. To make sure your feed line is not radiating you need a feed line choke at each antenna feed point (also makes your antenna work better since it is not using the coax as part of the antenna). You can use our simple Kit 110 with 5 snap on chokes on each antenna for this purpose. Part # Kit 110 at $27.50 each – one for each antenna. These chokes will keep your feed line from radiating and coupling into your ac power lines. INFO HERE
2. The radiation from your antennas themselves may also be getting into the ac power lines and coax braid of the Direct TV antenna so you need to protect the victim receiver. Depending upon the sophistication of your direct TV setup (e.g. home theater, dvd, tape player, sub woofer speakers, etc), the path of the RFI may be coming thru the AC power lines of any connected device to the video including the video monitor itself! To help solve this problem we have a home theater RFI kit for up to 5 devices (you need a minimum of two – one for the Direct TV receiver(AC and coax input) and another for the video monitor AC power lines and HDMI or video input cable. Our kit part # is RFI-HTS. INFO HERE
These items should help reduce the RFI and let you operate on the air while your wife watches TV.
Bob Brehm, AK6R
Chief Engineer