Garage Door Opener RFI Kit

Antenna Rotor RFI Kit - fits all Wired Rotors up to 1/2" cable size

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Antenna Rotor RFI Kit - fits all Wired Rotors up to 1/2" cable size
Product Details

Your rotor cable and control box can cause RFI into your radio station and you need to suppress common mode RFI induced into the cable from your antennas. In many cases the rotor cable acts as an unintended counterpoise for your rotated antennas and can cause weird SWR issues since the control cables become part of the antenna,

The SOLUTION is simple: isolate the cable from RFI by adding the Palomar RFI kit for antenna rotors. Add 3 snap on filters near the rotor and another 3 snap on filters at the rotor control box and a ring filter for AC powered rotor control boxes to suppress RFI common mode currents that can affect the antenna SWR and radiation patterns. In addition, these filters may also help reduce station receiver noise since many rotors are connected to the station ground and the rotor cable acts as an additional receiving antenna.

Isolating the rotor cable works on the same principal as isolating coax cable - keep the TRANSMIT signal on the antenna by proving a feed line choke at the rotor itself and keep noise out of the station on RECEIVE by choking the cable at the rotor control box ( by suppressing noise pickup on the cable).

Kit includes 7 filters -six 1/2" snap on filters for the cable and a ring filter for the AC/DC power supply for the control box. Simple to install and cheap insurance to solve both the TRANSMIT and RECEIVE issues caused by rotor control systems.

Christmas lights or yard lights with switching DC power supplies are often the RFI source and a clamp on ferrite bead on the AC AND the DC side feeding the lights is needed to help suppress the switching power supply RFI noise.  Suitable snap on beads are FSB31-1/2 for the 1-250 MHz range.

We have also had reported wireless HDTV boxes, and FOSCAM and AMCREST security camera systems causing RFI to garage door remote openers. Use our Garage Door Opener RFI kit to suppress the interference to the opener (VICTIM) – you need one kit for each opener.  Maximize the distance from the camera to the openers may also help.  Additionally shield cable to the garage door sensors may be needed depending on severity of the camera RFI.

Obvious Tech Note: make sure your remote batteries have enough energy to activate the GDO or the signal they transmit may not be large enough to over ride the RFI signal, but a fresh battery may be able to overcome the weak RFI source and allow the GDO to operate correctly.