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Bullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100-1500 Watt Options, 25 Feet, 20-6 meters+WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DX, SOTA, POTABullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100-1500 Watt Options, 25 Feet, 20-6 meters+WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DX, SOTA, POTASKU BULLET-2006-100List price $179.95 Save 33%$119.95On Sale
Bullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100-5000 Watt Options, 55 Feet, 40-6 meters Including WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DX, POTA, SOTABullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100-5000 Watt Options, 55 Feet, 40-6 meters Including WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DX, POTA, SOTASKU BULLET-4006-100List price $189.95 Save 26%$139.95On Sale
Bullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100/500/1500/5000 Watt Options, 95 Feet, 80-6 Meters + WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DXBullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100/500/1500/5000 Watt Options, 95 Feet, 80-6 Meters + WARC, Vertical Radiator for Easy DXSKU BULLET-8006-100List price $239.95 Save 25%$179.95On Sale
FSB31-1/2, ID=1/2", RFI Range 1-300 MHz - Bulk 10 PackFSB31-1/2, ID=1/2", RFI Range 1-300 MHz - Bulk 10 PackSKU FSB31-1/2-10List price $55.00 Save 9%$49.95On Sale
FT240-3I, ID=1.4", AC/DC/Coax Noise Filter, RFI Range 1-300 MHz, Bulk Pack of 10FT240-3I, ID=1.4", AC/DC/Coax Noise Filter, RFI Range 1-300 MHz, Bulk Pack of 10SKU F240-31-10List price $100.00 Save 10%$89.95On Sale
Ferrite Mini Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 10 filters (3/8, 1/2, 3/4)Ferrite Mini Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 10 filters (3/8, 1/2, 3/4)SKU FMSCP-31-10List price $55.95 Save 11%$49.95On Sale
Ferrite Ring and Snap On Combo Pack - 10 Rings (1.4" ID) + 10 Snap On Beads (1/2" ID) - Mix 31 (RFI Range 1-300 MHz) FREE USA SHIPPINGFerrite Ring and Snap On Combo Pack - 10 Rings (1.4" ID) + 10 Snap On Beads (1/2" ID) - Mix 31 (RFI Range 1-300 MHz) FREE USA SHIPPINGSKU FRSCP-31-20List price $155.00 Save 10%$139.95On Sale
Ferrite Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 - 22 filtersFerrite Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 - 22 filtersSKU FSCP-31-22List price $108.00 Save 12%$95.00
MINI-BALUN 1:1 Coax Interface to Ladder Line, Dipole elements, 500 Watts PEP, up to -38Db Common Mode Rejection, 1-61 MHz, Flagpole, Dipole, Beam and G5RV/ZS6BKW AntennasMINI-BALUN 1:1 Coax Interface to Ladder Line, Dipole elements, 500 Watts PEP, up to -38Db Common Mode Rejection, 1-61 MHz, Flagpole, Dipole, Beam and G5RV/ZS6BKW AntennasSKU MB-1-500SS$69.95On Sale
Multi-Ring/Multi-Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 17 filtersMulti-Ring/Multi-Snap On Combo Pack, Mix 31, RFI Range 1-300 MHz - 17 filtersSKU MRSCP-31-17List price $112.00 Save 15%$95.00On Sale
Off Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 20-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USAOff Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 20-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USASKU PAL-OCF2006-500List price $199.95 Save 30%$139.95On Sale
Off Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 40-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated, POTA, SOTA - FREE shipping in USAOff Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 40-6 Meters, 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated, POTA, SOTA - FREE shipping in USASKU PAL-OCF4010-500List price $279.95 Save 46%$149.95On Sale
Off Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 80-6 Meters (9 bands-including 15 meters), 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USAOff Center Fed Dipole Antenna, 80-6 Meters (9 bands-including 15 meters), 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP rated - FREE shipping in USASKU PAL-OCF8010-500List price $359.95 Save 53%$169.95
RFI Common Mode Noise Filter Kits for Generic Antenna Switches - Isolate Non-Selected Coax Braid Noise!RFI Common Mode Noise Filter Kits for Generic Antenna Switches - Isolate Non-Selected Coax Braid Noise!Suppress Unwanted Noise & RFISKU RFI-AS-GEN-2$129.95Introductory Price
SIGNALPEN(TM) PENCIL SIZE RF DETECTOR LIGHT, 60 Hz to 1.2 GHz, Miliwatts to Kilowatts, Direct Contact or Inductive Detector, No Battery! Fits in Shirt Pocket!SIGNALPEN(TM) PENCIL SIZE RF DETECTOR LIGHT, 60 Hz to 1.2 GHz, Miliwatts to Kilowatts, Direct Contact or Inductive Detector, No Battery! Fits in Shirt Pocket!SKU SIGNALPEN$49.95
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Christmas lights or yard lights with switching DC power supplies are often the RFI source and a clamp on ferrite bead on the AC AND the DC side feeding the lights is needed to help suppress the switching power supply RFI noise. Suitable snap on beads are FSB31-1/2 for the 1-250 MHz range.
We have also had reported wireless HDTV boxes, and FOSCAM and AMCREST security camera systems causing RFI to garage door remote openers. Use our Garage Door Opener RFI kit to suppress the interference to the opener (VICTIM) – you need one kit for each opener. Maximize the distance from the camera to the openers may also help. Additionally shield cable to the garage door sensors may be needed depending on severity of the camera RFI.
Obvious Tech Note: make sure your remote batteries have enough energy to activate the GDO or the signal they transmit may not be large enough to over ride the RFI signal, but a fresh battery may be able to overcome the weak RFI source and allow the GDO to operate correctly.