5:1 Baluns/Ununs

5:1 CUBE™ Unun – Model CU-5-1500 (50:250 Ohm, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5KW PEP)

Application. For traveling wave, end fed or portable 20-31 foot vertical antennas the 5:1 unun makes a good transformer for converting 50 ohm coax to a 250 ohm feed point. If you use the antenna on multiple bands, the feed point impedance may not always be 250 ohms and use of the unun at high (>350 ohms) or low (<100 ohms) will require reduced power input or the unun may have its power ratings exceeded and damage to the unun may occur. The (5:1 conversion ratio will change for loads other than 250 ohms unbalanced.

Typical application:

CU 5 1500 antenna - 5:1 Baluns/Ununs

Also available as a balanced output – CB-5-1500

Elecraft KXPA100 HF Linear Amplifier RFI Kit - 4 Filters for RF In/Out, DC Power, Relay/PTT/Computer Control

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Elecraft KXPA100 HF Linear Amplifier RFI Kit - 4 Filters for RF In/Out, DC Power, Relay/PTT/Computer Control
Product Details
Type: New
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Filter Power Rating (PEP watts): coax cable limit
RFI Suppression Range (MHz): 1-300 MHz
# Ferrite Filters: 4
Typical Use:: DC power, RF In/out, I/O control cables

This is a generic linear amplifier RFI kit for DC powered amplifiers. Works on many popular amplifiers including:

Specially designed for the Elecraft KXPA100 linear amplifier used with the KX3 and the Yaesu 817 radio (and others).

Included are the following chokes and installation guidelines:

RF Input: 1/2" Snap on – 2 turns of RG-8X size coax through center (use additional turns if using smaller cable)

RF Output: 3/4" snap on – 3-4 turns of RG-8X size cable (use additional turns if using smaller cable)1/2

Control or Relay Cable: 1/2" snap on – 2-3 turns thru center - ½” diameter hole

DC Power Line: 3/4" snap on – 2-4 turns of +/- DC cables through center