Hybrids (NN:1+1:1)

Balun Hybrids include an impedance balun (2:1, 4:1, 6:1, 9:1, 16:1, etc) and a 1:1 balun (choke) in a single enclosure. Use on OCF, loop, terminated dipoles and similar coax fed antennas requiring an impedance transformer Suppresses common mode current on the coax outer braid (prevents your dipole from acting as a tripole!).

Worked All Neighbors RFI Award Certificate - FREE Download

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Worked All Neighbors RFI Award Certificate - FREE Download
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Free download of Worked All Neighbors Award for RFI Offenders!

Got RFI issues with your neighbors? - Well, get the award OR fix your RFI with our RFI Solutions.