* Help keep RF out of the shack. * Provides maximum transfer of RF to the antenna. * Suppress radiation from the feeder cable * Makes the antenna radiation pattern predictable. * Outperforms the competition by 24 dB common mode rejection! (see graphs) * Reduces QRN and TVI to the neighbors. The CB-1-1500 balun is useful as common mode feed line chokes or unbalanced coax to balanced antenna interface. SO-239 input to side terminal/eyebolt output. . Rated 1500 Watts PEP from 1-61 MHz. Common mode rejection up to -38dB over the frequency range. The CB-1-1500 is the balun version and the CU-1-1500 is the unun version (coax in and coax out). Use as line isolator, antenna interface, or as a common mode choke to keep RF on the antenna and off the outside of the coax braid. Much more effective then our snap on ferrite beads as this balun which provides a higher choking impedance over a broad frequency range. For most effective results, use another feed line choke (coax noise filter) at the radio. Helps reduce noise floor too by choking off common mode neighborhood noise picked up on outside of coax braid acting as secondary receive antennaCUBE 1:1 Feed Line Choke Balun, 1.5KW, 1.8-61 MHz Eyebolt Version - Dipoles
Quantity Price per item Discount 2 items $109.95 8% off 1500 Watt PEP Rated 1:1 CUBE™ Balun for dipoles