2:1 Baluns/Ununs

DSL/Cable Modem/Router/Ethernet/Internet RFI Kit - 3 Filters

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Product Details
Type: New
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Filter Power Rating (PEP watts): n/a
RFI Suppression Range (MHz): 1-300 MHz
# Ferrite Filters: 3 or 5 depending on model
Enclosure Size (inches): n/a
Typical Use:: 1-2 turns on all I/O cables

Use for DSL/cable modems, routers, access points, repeaters, Ethernet switches, etc.

The RFI-ROUTER-4 kit is meant to be used with a DSL Modem/Router with incoming DSL signal, up to 4 Ethernet lines and a single power DC power supply line coming into the device.Included are one snap on ferrite (3/4” hole) and two (3/4” hole) snap on split ferrite beads for the Ethernet outputs (2 per snap on using multiple turns for each cable). The additional 3/4" snap on is for the power supply line. The RFI-ROUTER-8 kit is identical but has 2 additional ferrite snap on for up to 4 additional ports,

Useful for all brands of computer equipment.
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2:1 (100:50) Baluns are useful between 50 ohm coax and 100 ohm balanced lines for loops, cubical quads, log periodics and other antennas where the impedance at the end of the feedline is 100 ohms (1/2 wavelength feedline).