2:1 Baluns/Ununs This minicart widget's layout is unsupported in this version Privacy noticeWe use cookies and similar technologies to remember your preferences, measure effectiveness of our campaigns, and analyze depersonalized data to improve performance of our site. By choosing “Accept”, you consent to the use of all the cookies. To set up your cookie preferences, click “Cookie Settings”. You can change your cookie preferences anytime in My Account → Cookie consent or at the bottom of the site.Learn more in our Privacy Policy.Learn more about us.AcceptDeclineCookie SettingsOther cool products 2:1 (100:50) Baluns are useful between 50 ohm coax and 100 ohm balanced lines for loops, cubical quads, log periodics and other antennas where the impedance at the end of the feedline is 100 ohms (1/2 wavelength feedline).