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Ferrite Flat Cable RFI/Noise Filter, 1.35" wide slot RFI Range 10-500 MHz, 1 Piece

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Product Details
Initial Permeability (@ 10KHz): 850
Max cable size - in/mm: 1.4" wide,
Dim mm mm tol nominal inch inch misc.
A 49.5 +/- 2.5 1.948 _
B 33.70 _ 1.327 _
C 32.3 +/- 1.6 1.272 _
D 7.70 +/- 0.5 0.303 _
Cable Information
Max Diameter Max Dimension Solid Equivalent Flat Cable Cores
33.70mm x 1.30mm _ -

Flat Cable Snap Its - Ferrite Tutorials

Excellent for reducing RFI/Noise into/from flat data,/video cables up to 34mm wide and 1 mm thick. Very useful suppression up to 500 MHz using mix 43 material.

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