Portable Operation RFI Kits

SIGNALPEN(TM) PENCIL SIZE RF DETECTOR LIGHT, 60 Hz to 1.2 GHz, Miliwatts to Kilowatts, Direct Contact or Inductive Detector, No Battery! Fits in Shirt Pocket!

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SIGNALPEN(TM) PENCIL SIZE RF DETECTOR LIGHT, 60 Hz to 1.2 GHz, Miliwatts to Kilowatts, Direct Contact or Inductive Detector, No Battery! Fits in Shirt Pocket!
Product Details


Our device, in the style of a pen. A portable device that you hold at the end of the pen to detect any RF signal source in close proximity without a battery. It uses RF electromagnetic field as a power source to light up an indicating light. Simple tool/instrument to locate or troubleshoot any RF source from handheld transceiver, mobile radios, or base station and radio repeaters. This device also detects a high voltage AC power line from 15kV and above, also a handy tool for electrician. Just store in shirt pocket like your other pens!

Self-Powered RF Detection Light (No Battery Needed)

Product Dimensions: The size of a pen

Specifications: 60 Hz to 1.2 GHz

For Optional Models: 2.4 to 6 Ghz Min. to Max.

RF Powered Detection: Milliwatts to Kilowatts

Proximity Detection: Wireless: 0.5 in to 3 ft

Capable of in-circuit detection from 20 mW. 30 seconds at 100W

Warranty: 3 years warranty no matter what, except:Intentional breakage and tampering of device


Portable operation is fun but also brings challenges to the radio operator concerning receiver “noise” levels, RF interference from adjacent sources including close by transmitting stations, and RFI from portable generators.  A typical scenario and some suggested Palomar product solutions are shown in the picture below:

Generator RFI testimonial:


Received your order in a timely fashion. Tried the generator kit on Sunday & it drops the noise from S9 to S5 and 
took out all the electrical noise.  I may want some more toroids from you at some point for other interference problems
I have  here.

Using an amplifier?  Don’t forget our Linear Amplifier RFI Kits

Want to make up your own RFI kits for a particular operation? Here are links to some of  typical RFI solutions used in portable operations:

AC/DC common mode filters

Feed Line chokes

Coax Noise Filters

If you use a computer for logging in your portable operations, RFI getting into computers will often lock up your computer and/or radio and a computer RFI suppression kits may be helpful

Computer RFI Kits

Make your expedition or portable operation a pleasant and fun outing and remember to take along your RFI kits so you have more time to operate rather then to troubleshoot intermittent or noisy receiver conditions.

Portable Antenna Kits

If you need an effective portable antenna which folds up for transport yet is easy to deploy at your operating site, consider the BULLET series of end fed wire antennas.

BULLET Antennas (click on link or picture for more info)

Bullet Antenna Product 300x292 - Portable Operation RFI Kits