5:1 Baluns/Ununs

5:1 CUBE™ Unun – Model CU-5-1500 (50:250 Ohm, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5KW PEP)

Application. For traveling wave, end fed or portable 20-31 foot vertical antennas the 5:1 unun makes a good transformer for converting 50 ohm coax to a 250 ohm feed point. If you use the antenna on multiple bands, the feed point impedance may not always be 250 ohms and use of the unun at high (>350 ohms) or low (<100 ohms) will require reduced power input or the unun may have its power ratings exceeded and damage to the unun may occur. The (5:1 conversion ratio will change for loads other than 250 ohms unbalanced.

Typical application:

CU 5 1500 antenna - 5:1 Baluns/Ununs

Also available as a balanced output – CB-5-1500

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Kurt Speaks Out - Digital PDF Version - Download Now!
Product Details

KURT SPEAKS OUT - Digital PDF Version

Kurt's masterpiece contains 50 of Kurt Sterba's Kolumns from World Radio (1990 to 2006). 140 pages packed with sage advice, unusual antennas, and ham radio myths to avoid. Read, learn, and enjoy.

Included are unusual antennas: CCD, T2FD, OCF, Rattail Ver-Tee, G5RV, ZEPP, Loops and many others. Find out the real truth about antennas and STOP WASTING YOUR TIME and MONEY trying to get the lowest SWR! Download your copy and get educated by one of the experts – Krusty ole Kurt!!

Eham Review

Kurt N Sterba, sometimes known as “Krusty Olde Kurt” or “The Krusty One” and often as “The Masked Avenger”, is fearless in exposing antenna manufacturers who lie or use deceptive numbers to inflate the gain dB’s of their antennas. He also deflates those who use “new scientific breakthroughs” to explain the operation of their products. He pieces through the obfuscation of on-the-air antenna “experts” by explaining antennas, grounds, and feed lines in non-mathematical, simple English. His aim is to see that all understand the real basics of antennas, and are not taken in by the ever-prevalent, fine-sounding ad writers and other purveyors of false information.

Kurt wants you to know that downloading this work of art also entitles you to a free membership in KURTSKLUB, special product discounts, his oh-so-smart newsletter when he gets around to writing it, and more sage advice in his future books. You agree to keep your email box open, your mind free from commercial marketing hoop-la and let Kurt be your guide. Oh yea, spread the word, we need more members who seek true enlightenment like you!

Table of Contents

This version is published by Palomar Engineers, Inc.