5:1 Baluns/Ununs

5:1 CUBE™ Unun – Model CU-5-1500 (50:250 Ohm, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5KW PEP)

Application. For traveling wave, end fed or portable 20-31 foot vertical antennas the 5:1 unun makes a good transformer for converting 50 ohm coax to a 250 ohm feed point. If you use the antenna on multiple bands, the feed point impedance may not always be 250 ohms and use of the unun at high (>350 ohms) or low (<100 ohms) will require reduced power input or the unun may have its power ratings exceeded and damage to the unun may occur. The (5:1 conversion ratio will change for loads other than 250 ohms unbalanced.

Typical application:

CU 5 1500 antenna - 5:1 Baluns/Ununs

Also available as a balanced output – CB-5-1500

FLEX TUNER GENIUS RFI Kit - SO2R/3 Antenna Option

Ouput RF Ports
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FLEX TUNER GENIUS RFI Kit - SO2R/3 Antenna Option
Product Details
RFI Suppression Range (MHz): 1-100 MHz


These kits are designed to choke common mode currents going into or exiting from your Tuner Genius cables. Filters are supplied for the RF Input (s) RF Outputs, DC power and LAN input. The DC power line choke helps keep common mode current out of the power line which could cause interference to other devices connected to the same power line if not suppressed. The LAN cable choke keeps any RFI off the LAN cable input.


RFI-AT-FLEX-TG Standard kit for tuners with SO2R option and RFI-AT-FLEX-TG3 for tuners with 3 antenna outputs option (1X3).

Note if you use other cables into the tuner such as PTT or otherwise, use FSB31-1/2 snap on ferrites for these lines and wind 2 or more turns thru center if possible. These ferrites sold separately.


Filter Type


SO2R Kit

3 Antenna Kit

Snap On (1/2” ID)

DC Power



Snap On (1/2” ID)

Ethernet/LAN input



RF Output
RF Input

Total Filters




SO2R Kit - Part# RFI-AT-FLEX-TG (2 Inputs, 2 Outputs)

RF Output:Snap On Filter (1” ID) – 3 turns (1/2" cable) or 6 turns (1/4" cable) of coax cable through center for each output - Use 1 for channel A and one for channel B Output

RF Input Snap On (1" ID) - 3 turns (1/2" cable) or 6 turns (1/4" cable) of coax cable through center for each input - Use one for channel A and one for channel B Input

Ethernet Cable:Snap On Filter (1/2” ID) – multiple turns through center

DC Power:Snap On Filter (1/2” ID) – 2 or more turns of DC (+ and -) power cord through center

3 Antenna Kit - Part# RFI-AT-FLEX-TG3 (3 Antennas, 1 input)

RF Output:Snap On Filter (1” ID) – 3 turns (1/2" cable) or 6 turns (1/4" cable) of coax cable through center for each output

RF Input Snap On (1" ID) - 3 turns (1/2" cable) or 6 turns (1/4" cable) of coax cable through center for TX input

Ethernet Cable:Snap On Filter (1/2” ID) – multiple turns through center

DC Power:Snap On Filter (1/2” ID) – 2 or more turns of DC (+ and -) power cord through center

Also make sure you connect a good RF ground to the tuner ground post.