Th CU-1-5000LF unun is useful as common mode feed line chokes or coax to antenna interfaces. SO-239 output models can also be used with balanced antennas if a short coax cable “pigtail” is used on the output and connected to the antenna. Rated 5000 Watts PEP from .2-5 Mhz. Use as line isolator, antenna interface, or as a common mode choke to keep RF on the antenna and off the outside of the coax braid. These high powered chokes are more effective then our sleeve feed line chokes due to multi-turn ferrite bead topology using high permeability ferrite cores which provides a higher choking impedance over a broad frequency range. Typical common mode rejection (CMRR) is 30-42 over the frequency range (see graph) For most effective results, use 1 choke at the antenna feed point to keep transmit RF off the coax braidand another at the radio end of the coax. Helps reduce noise floor too by choking off common mode neighborhood noise picked up on outside of coax braid. Available in 1.5K and 5K PEP models. Picture shows 1.5KW model, but 5KW model is same size and frequency specs but 5KW PEP.CUBE Feed Line Choke, 1:1, 5KW PEP, .2-5 MHz, AM Broadcast, 160 and 80 Meter Common Mode Noise Filter, 30 to 42dB Noise Suppression
Quantity Price per item Discount 2 items $119.95 8% off 10 items $109.95 15% off 5000 Watt Rated 1:1 CUBE™ Choke - .2-5 MHz (effective to 100 KHz)