PURPOSE These kits are designed to choke common mode currents going into or exiting from your amplifier cables.Filters are supplied for the RF In, RF Out, Relay Cable/control lines, remote control unit and AC power line.Use of the filters often helps cure SWR problems between amp exciter and amp and between amp and antenna tuner or direct to antenna.The AC power line choke helps keep common mode current out of the power line which could cause interference to other devices connected to the same power line if not suppressed. USE KIT INCLUDES Filter Type Usage Ferrites F240 Ring (1.4” ID) Transceiver RF coaxr 1 Snap On (1/2” ID) Remote Control Unit cables 5 Snap On (1” ID) RF Output, AC/DC power 2 Total Filters 8 INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Amp RF Input:Ring Filter (1.4” ID) – 5-9 turns of RG-58/8X size through center Amp RF Output:Snap On Filter (1” ID) – 3 turns of coax cable through center RCU Cables:Snap On Filter (1/2” ID) – multiple turns through center AC Power:Snap On Filter (1” ID) – 3 turns of power cord through centerACOM 2000 HF Linear Amplifier + Remote Control Unit RFI Kit - 8 RFI/Noise Reduction Filters
Quantity Price per item Discount 2 items $74.95 6% off 10 items $69.95 13% off