Bullet 50:100 (2:1) HF Balun, .1-61 MHz, 500/1500 Watts PEP, Loop Antenna
New improved version now goes down to 100 KHz and up to 61 MHz < 2:1 SWR!
The Bullet-2B is a multi-core balun with a compact enclosure (looks like a bullet) enclosure that is lightweight and easy to transport for your portable loop antenna solution. Halyard hoist at top of balun for convenient attachment point. Input is via SO-239 coax connector and output with side eye bolt output. Rated 500 Watts PEP Watts from .1-61 MHz. DC grounded to coax shield for static bleed off.
This transformer requires a feed line choke at the balun to isolate the coax feed line from the antenna. A coax noise filter is also recommended at the radio end of the coax..
Loop Antennas
Loop antennas are some of the best radiating and receiving antennas you can make. They can be in a triangle (called a delta loop), square or rectangle or even a circle. Horizontal loops can be fed anywhere that is convenient. Vertical delta loops(circumference length=1005/f(Mhz) are best fed 1/4 wavelength (length=246/f(Mhz)) from the top point down one side.
We offer pre-configured loop wire kits for your antenna building convenience. Just choose the band you need - see related products.
Want multiple bands from a loop antenna, consider the 4;1 Bullet (Bullet-4BEB in 500 or 1500 watts versions).
NOTE: We rate our Bullet baluns (and ununs) VERY conservatively at 500 watts PEP with a 50% duty cycle. Some manufacturers selling low cost baluns may use a 5% duty cycle for their PEP rating to make it appear you get a higher rated balun for a lower price, but you may in fact be getting be getting less. Their 1500 watts PEP really means 75 watts continuous or 150 watts at a 50% duty cycle compared to our 250 watts at 50% duty cycle. Our baluns typically cover a larger frequency range under 2:1 SWR which make your transceiver happy and probably will last longer with less electrical stress.
Remember we over engineer our products, to out perform our competition - just compare the weight of our baluns to theirs and you will know we put much more into our products so you don't have to worry about failure at a critical moment.
The impedance transformers are classified in ratios of 2:1 (100:50 ohm) to 16:1 (800:50 ohm). The outputs can be configured as balanced (Balun) or as unbalanced (unun) with respect to the inputs which are considered all unbalanced coax at 50 ohms. All impedance transformers are designed for 1.8-31 MHz unless otherwise specified.