6:1 Baluns/Ununs

Model CB-6-1500 is a 6:1 (300:50) voltage balun housed in a Nema enclosure box (4″ x 4″ x 2″) with two top studs capable of input power levels up to 1.5KW PEP/500 watts continuous when used with a matched load. The 6:1 ratio takes 50 ohms input and matches to 300 ohms balanced output from 1.8-61 MHz with SWR < 1.5:1 under matched load conditions. A great balun for windoms, OCF antennas >60 feet over ground, Hertz and folded dipole antennas, T2FD etc. Dual core, Ruthroff style balun. Choose version with side eye bolts for wire attachments for OCF dipole use.

Portable operation is fun but also brings challenges to the radio operator concerning receiver “noise” levels, RF interference from adjacent sources including close by transmitting stations, and RFI from portable generators. A typical scenario and some suggested Palomar product solutions are shown in the picture.

Portable Operation RFi Reduction Picture png - 6:1 Baluns/Ununs

Portable operation is typical of ham radio operating events such as Field Day, Summits on the Air, Route 66 events, National Parks on the Air, California QSO party, DXpeditions, and emergency operation command posts, etc.


Each low power operating station with a generator should have:

  1. Generator RFI Kit (Part # RFI-GEN) with FSB31-1 ferrite filters at each end + Nylon ties for security
  2. Transceiver RFI Kit (Part # RFI-XCVR)
  3. Laptop RFI Kit (Part # RFI-1C)
  4. Coax Cable Noise Filter (Part # CMNF-1)
  5. Bullet-55 portable HF end fed antenna system

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