6:1 Baluns/Ununs

Model CB-6-1500 is a 6:1 (300:50) voltage balun housed in a Nema enclosure box (4″ x 4″ x 2″) with two top studs capable of input power levels up to 1.5KW PEP/500 watts continuous when used with a matched load. The 6:1 ratio takes 50 ohms input and matches to 300 ohms balanced output from 1.8-61 MHz with SWR < 1.5:1 under matched load conditions. A great balun for windoms, OCF antennas >60 feet over ground, Hertz and folded dipole antennas, T2FD etc. Dual core, Ruthroff style balun. Choose version with side eye bolts for wire attachments for OCF dipole use.

50:200 (4:1) CUBE™ Balun, 1.8-61 MHz, 5KW (choose top stud/eyebolt output) - FREE USA SHIPPING

SKU CB-4-5000TS
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50:200 (4:1) CUBE™ Balun, 1.8-61 MHz, 5KW (choose top stud/eyebolt output) - FREE USA SHIPPING
Product Details
MPN: CB-4-5000EB
Input ohms/Output ohms: 50 in, 200 out
Frequency Range < 2:1 SWR (MHz): 1-31
PEP Power Rating (watts): 5000

5000 Watt PEP Rated 4:1 CUBE Baluns™

Th CB-4-5000 balun feature dual core ferrites configured as a current balun with a weather resistant enclosure box. Input is via SO-239 coax connector and output can be top studs or side eye hooks (2) and top eye hook used as a halyard hoist for supporting your wire antenna. Rated 5000 Watts PEP Watts from 1.8-31 MHz. Enclosure is 4″ x 4″ x 4″. Multi-core technology is excellent for high duty cycle modes like RTTY, Digital, AM, etc at 5KW PEP.

It is recommended that a feed line choke to isolate the coax feed line from the antenna. A coax noise filter is also recommended.

Need a 4:1 and 1:1 HYBRID balun? Check out our CB-4-1-1500/5000 with feedline choke built into same box as impedance transformer for ease of installation!