2:1 Baluns/Ununs

Kurt's Klub

Kurt N Sterba, sometimes known as “Krusty Olde Kurt” or “The Krusty One” and often as “The Masked Avenger”, is fearless in exposing antenna manufacturers who lie or use deceptive numbers to inflate the gain dB’s of their antennas. His aim is to see that all understand the real basics of antennas, and are not taken in by the ever-prevalent, fine-sounding ad writers and other purveyors of false information.

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2:1 (100:50) Baluns are useful between 50 ohm coax and 100 ohm balanced lines for loops, cubical quads, log periodics and other antennas where the impedance at the end of the feedline is 100 ohms (1/2 wavelength feedline).