Antenna Static Bleeders

Need a high performance, multi-band, stealthy antenna system that is easy to setup and use? Get the Bullet-9 matching unit, the antenna wire and insulator all in one convenient package (great for HOA restricted areas, camping and portable operations) and remember to add the feed line choke. Multiple lengths available depending upon bands coverage desired and choose 100, 500, 1500 and 5000 watt power levels.

Due to many requests for antenna static bleeders, we have developed a product line of static bleeders for coax and for ladder line applications.  Static electricity is caused by many situations including high desert wind, atmospheric conditions, etc.  You may hear static crashes or have a buildup of static electricity that my be annoying during a radio conversation and it may be harmful to solid state electronics if high voltages are present on the RF input to your equipment.

A static “Bleeder” which shorts the direct static voltage to ground while leaving the RF frequency voltage unaffected if very beneficial particularly to those operations in desert conditions where low humidity, high static buildup are quite common.  The SB-1 and SB-2 coax static bleeders work on coax line and the SB-3 static bleeder is meant for ladder line.


Need a high performance, multi-band, stealthy antenna system that is easy to setup and use? Get the Bullet-9 matching unit, the antenna wire and insulator all in one convenient package (great for HOA restricted areas, camping and portable operations) and remember to add the feed line choke. Multiple lengths available depending upon bands coverage desired and choose 100, 500, 1500 and 5000 watt power levels.