Hybrid 4:1 Balun + 1:1 Current Balun in one enclosure, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5/5KW PEP - Loop, OCF Antennas

SKU CB-4-1-1500EB
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Hybrid 4:1 Balun + 1:1 Current Balun in one enclosure, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5/5KW PEP - Loop, OCF Antennas
Product Details
MPN: CB-4-1-1500TS/EB , CB-4-1-5000TS/EB
Country/Region of Manufacture: USA
Input ohms/Output ohms: 50 in/200 out
Frequency Range < 2:1 SWR (MHz): 1.8-61 MHz for 1.5KW
PEP Power Rating (watts): 1.5KW/5KW
Input Connector: UHF SO-239
Output Connector(s): Side Eyeboplts (EB) or Top Studs (TS)
Enclosure Size: 4"x4"x 2"(1.5KW), 4"x 4" x 4"(5KW)
Weight (pounds): 2# (1.5KW), 4# (5KW)
Antenna Compatability: OCF, Loop, BBTD, T2FD, ZEPP

After many requests we have created a compact, special balun for Off Center Fed (OCF) , loop (Skyloop or Delta loop) , BBTD, T2FD, folded dipoles antennas. The CB-4-1-1500 is a CUBE(TM) enclosure containing a multi-core, broadband 4:1 impedance transformer in series with a 1:1 current balun for extra common mode current choking to keep RF current off the outside of the coax braid and on the antenna where it belongs. The extra choking action also means that the coax feed line will not act as a radiator causing unnecessary RF interference (RFI). Rated for full 1500 watts PEP and 1000 watts CW (ICAS). 1.8Mhz – 61 MHz.

CB-4-1-1500 is housed in a 4” x 4” x 2” waterproof housing with SO-239 input and stainless steel eye bolts on the side for ease of connection to your wire antenna. Top eye bolt acts as an antenna hoist.

5KW are in 4" x 4" x 4" enclosure. 1.5KW is 2 pounds, 5KW is 4 pounds.

For an 80 meter OCF antennas we recommend a (95 feet/79.5% and 40 feet/29.5% offset for best all band results. If you use 66%/34% offset, do not use on 15 meters as the impedance mismatch may damage the balun at high power levels. Loop antennas should be cut for 1005/F(MHz) in total length, where F (MHz) is the lowest frequency to be used. For 3.5MHz this equates to 288 feet.

We highly recommend a feed line choke (MC-1-3000) or coax noise filter (CMNF-1500) at the radio end of the coax feed line to reduce common mode noise picked up by the coax braid.

CB-4-1-5000EB/TS are custom made to order - please allow 7-10 days ARO before ship.

Customer testimonial:

Callsign: NE5U Your CB-4-1500 +1:1 Choke made my homebrew, hail mary, 3 times folded 75m resonant attic dipole into a functional antenna from 6m to 160m. Most bands I can operate with no RFI. I've installed ferrites at all of the usual locations but still have some problem bands. Considering that the antenna is, at best, an NVIS antenna, I have made a lot of DX contacts (SSB, FT8 and other digital modes, and CW). Happy customer here. 73

Super-Choker™ Common Mode Feed Line Chokes

Sometimes you need a high power common mode choke that is super effective and the Super-Choker™ products fill this need very well.   All Super-Choker™ chokes use multiple turns through ferrite cores for higher choking impedance compared to our multi-bead sleeve chokes which only use one turn through multiple cores.  Different ferrite mixes and turns ratios are used to optimize choking impedance in the selected product frequency range.

Super-Choker™ chokes are manufactured with 1/2″ 52 ohm coax cable (rated for full amateur radio legal limit of 1500 watts continuous (or the capacity of the coax cable at the selected frequency – good for over 5KW on 4 MHz into a matched load for example) with PL-259 connectors that can be connected to your coax feed line with simple double female barrel connectors.

Super-Choker™ chokes are ideal for high power stations and are very effective for keeping common mode current off the feed line on verticals, dipoles, and loop antennas at their feed point and also for choking coax lines at the station input to reduce common mode noise picked up by the outside of the coax braid between the feed point and the station entrance.


Ferrite core kits are available separately if you want to supply your own coax feed line.



Super Choker™ Case History:

I run an 80 meter loop antenna about 30 feet in height and have previously been using a coaxial balun common mode choke of 25 turns of RG-213 on a 6 inch form attached about 6 feet under the corner feed point of the loop (configured in a triangle).  Using a Dentron 3000 antenna tuner I was able to tune all the ham bands and the lowest SWR was about 1.4 on most bands.  The antenna feed line was led away from the corner of the loop and was not under the loop.  Feed line length was about 105 feet as measured on the Aim 4170-TDR function.

I first placed a Super Choker™ 8010 at the antenna tuner leaving the coaxial balun in place.  As I retuned the antenna tuner, the first thing I noticed was that I could now tune down to 1.1:1 on 80, 40 and 20 meters and I could not do that before.  The noise level which had been running about S7 on 40 meters during the day had dropped to about S6 on my TS-870 receiver.  I was pleased that the reflected power was now almost nil and the noise level was lower. 

I then took the next step and replaced the coaxial balun and Super Choker 8010 with a Super Choker™ 16040 in series with a Super Choker 4010 for maximum choking power from 80-10meters.  The antenna tuning was about the same but now the SWR was 1.0:1 on 80-10 meters and the noise level on 40 was down to S5.  I tuned up on 20, 15 and 10 meters and worked a couple of JA’s and noticed that the noise level on 10 and 15 was not even S1 – something I had not experienced before on the 5 acre plot of land we call home. 

What a welcome relief to find such a simple solution to RF feedback I had experienced and I got a lower noise level to boot! 

Now to plan that 160 meter loop!  I wonder what Krusty ole Kurt would use?

Bob, AK6R