25:1 to 81:1 Baluns/Ununs These baluns and ununs can be used for impedance matching and also as End Fed halfwave antenna matching transformers to 50 or 75 ohm coax cable. 50:250 ohm (5:1) Transformers Store/Antenna Products/CUBE Impedance Transformers (<1:1, 1:1, >1:1)/50:250 ohm (5:1) TransformersRefine by FiltersClear allFiltersClear allShow itemsShow items50:250 ohm (5:1) CUBE™ Unun™, 1.8-61 Mz, 1500 Watts, end fed, vertical50:250 ohm (5:1) CUBE™ Unun™, 1.8-61 Mz, 1500 Watts, end fed, verticalSKU CU-5-1500$129.95 Buy Now