1.5:1 Baluns/Ununs

FT140-43, ID=.9", OD=1.4", RFI Range 25-300 MHz

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Product Details
RFI Range (MHz): 20-250 Mhz
ID-B (in/mm): .9/23
OD-A (in/mm): 1.4/35.6
Height-C (in/mm): .5/12.7
Weight (oz/gm): 33 grams
Initial permeability: 850
A(L): 1060
Frequency (MHz)/Single turn impedance (ohms): 25MHz:38 ohms, 100 MHz:80 ohms

Ferrite Ring Toroid Core, ID = .9"/23mm, Mix 43

Excellent for impedance transformers like 2:1, 4;1, 9:1 or use our convenient Balun/Unun DIY kits with all the parts needed.

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50 ohm coax to 75 ohm balanced output baluns are useful for low (< 1 wavelength) dipoles exhibiting 75 ohm characteristic impedance or for matching to balanced ladder line whose endpoint impedance is near 75 ohms.

50 ohm coax to 75 ohm CATV coax connections are easily done with a 1.5:1 unun with SO-239 connectors on input and output.  Likewise 50 ohm coax to unbalanced verticals or loads near 75 ohms can be matched with a 1.5:1 unun.