1.5:1 Baluns/Ununs

Audiophile System RFI Kit for Tuner/Preamp/Receiver, Turntable, CD Player, Speakers - 12 filters

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Product Details
Type: NEW
Country/Region of Manufacture: USA
Filter Power Rating (PEP watts): not applicable
RFI Suppression Range (MHz): 1-300 MHz

The audiophile RFi kit is specifically designed to suppress audio interference triggered by Radio Frequency Interference problems experienced in typical audiophile systems using a tuner/preamp/receiver, turn table, CD player and speaker system. The ferrite filters are selected to eliminate RFI from 1 to 300 MHz. The filters are easy to install, don’t require modification of the protected equipment and work in almost all cases.

What is included in the kit?

The Audiophile RFI kit contains a a 4 ring filters for the AC power cord and 8 snap-on filters (4-1/2" ID, and 4-3/8' ID) for the device interconnect wires as well as the speaker wires.

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50 ohm coax to 75 ohm balanced output baluns are useful for low (< 1 wavelength) dipoles exhibiting 75 ohm characteristic impedance or for matching to balanced ladder line whose endpoint impedance is near 75 ohms.

50 ohm coax to 75 ohm CATV coax connections are easily done with a 1.5:1 unun with SO-239 connectors on input and output.  Likewise 50 ohm coax to unbalanced verticals or loads near 75 ohms can be matched with a 1.5:1 unun.