1.5:1 Baluns/Ununs

50:200 (4:1) CUBE™ Unun, 1.8-61 MHz, 1500/5000 Watts PEP, End Fed, Vertical, Monopole

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Product Details
Input ohms/Output ohms: 50/100-400
Frequency Range < 2:1 SWR (MHz): 1.8-61 (1.5KW), 1.8-31 MHZ for 5000/5000HD
PEP Power Rating (watts): 1500/5000
Insertion Loss (dB): .15
Input Connector: SO-239
Output Connector(s): Wingnut/Eyebolt
Transformer Topology: Broadband Ferrite
Hardware Type: Stainless
Enclosure Size: 4" x 4" x 2"
Antenna Compatability: verticals, slopers, monopoles

Purpose. The CU-4-1500 is used as a 4:1 (200 ohm unbalanced load to 50 ohm unbalanced source) broadband transformer for 50 ohm coax cable rated at at 1500 PEP into 200 ohms unbalanced load from 1.8-61 MHz. Excellent for 43 foot verticals and also slopers (51', 85' or 119" work great)

USE: The top connector is for the 200 ohm unbalanced output, and the side connector is for a ground rod or radial connection.The SO-239 input connector shield/ground is shared with the ground connector.

For best results use a feed line choke between the CU-4-1500 and the coax input to isolate the coax from becoming part of the antenna. Our Maxi-Choker (MC-1-3000) is an excellent companion for this unun.

The CU-4-1500 is also useful for end fed OCF antennas utilizing a 4:1 unun and a coax feed line choke to set the antenna length for the "short" side of the OCF.

CU-4-5000 is in a 4" x 4" x 2" NEMA enclosure and weighs 3 pounds and is specified for 1.8-31 MHz - rated at 5KW PEP

CU-4-5000HD is in a 4" x 4" x 4" NEMA enclosure, contains 50% more ferrite cores then the 5000 and weighs 4 pounds and is specified for 1.8-31 MHz - rated at 4KW continuous duty, 5K+ PEP

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50 ohm coax to 75 ohm balanced output baluns are useful for low (< 1 wavelength) dipoles exhibiting 75 ohm characteristic impedance or for matching to balanced ladder line whose endpoint impedance is near 75 ohms.

50 ohm coax to 75 ohm CATV coax connections are easily done with a 1.5:1 unun with SO-239 connectors on input and output.  Likewise 50 ohm coax to unbalanced verticals or loads near 75 ohms can be matched with a 1.5:1 unun.